10.2.1 From the Home screen, click "Lookup Tables" and click on the "Work Types" to open the "Work Types" screen. You need to enter the types of work your business performs and this information is used later in the Timesheets form.
When you have entered all of your standard work types, you can delete the "All Work Types" work type.
10.2.2 Enter a "Work Code". Ideally this should be a 2 to 4 character code for quick entry. It is handy to group similar codes using standard abbreviations as prefixes and suffixes for easy memorization. Examples of this could be starting all Engineering work types with an 'E' such as ECAD, ending all drafting work types with 'CAD' again such as ECAD, or starting or ending all non-chargable work types with an 'N' (ECADN). Codes could also be numeric with similar prefixes & suffixes eg. prefix 1 for Engineering, 31 for drafting and suffix 2 for non-chargable would give a code of 1312.
10.2.3 Enter a Name for the work type. The Name should be short and specific to make your timesheets more readable
10.2.4 Enter a description for this Work Type. Be specific as this description can make your Timesheets very explanatory.
10.2.5 The Disbursement column dictates whether this Work Type represents an item you wish to treat as an expense or a charge.
You can have one disbursement work type for all expenses or you can create specific disbursement work types if you want to track items separately(pegs, transportation, meals, accommodation, road tolls, taxi, airfare, etc.) .
Later, when you set the Billing Rate of Employees, add any Disbursement work types by setting a rate of $1.00 (Billing Rates are discussed in the "How do I enter Employees" Category).
Standard disbursements are set up with default charges and cost rates and can be entered without being assigned to an employee's billing rates. So if a work type with unit, cost and charge rates are not found in the employee's billing work types, rates are obtained from the standard disbursement work types. An employee's customized rates override the rates of standard disbursements.
You cannot assign a standard disbursement work type to a specific group of employees; use a normal work type instead.
You cannot assign a standard disbursement work type to an employee's Default Work Type and a job's Default Work Type. Before it can be used as a default work type, it must first be assigned to the employee or job.
The Group Work Types by CBCode (disables Timer) option in Setup Latitude will not group standard disbursements.
10.2.6 Enter Unit Excess. An excess charge applied each time this work type is entered in a Timesheet. This amount can be varied on an individual client basis by entering a percentage Unit Excess in the Business Contacts form. Unit Excess is rarely used and so in most cases take the default $0.00 amount.
10.2.7 Reimbursable Disbursements
Used to indicate which disbursement work types for items repaid to staff for their out-of-pocket job expenses such as meals, use of personal equipment and personal vehicles, etc.
Click the 'Reimbursable' checkbox to set a disburment work type.
10.2.8 If a Work Type is non-chargeable such as Annual Leave then select Non-Chargeable for the Work Type.
10.2.9 Entering a value in Category is used to group related work types
10.2.10 Enter a Sort number to control the order of work types is displayed in the Employee Billing Rates
10.2.11 Work Type Groups
Assign work types to groups to be used in reports to display time and disbursements in these groups
See Reports -> Financial -> Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576)
See Reports -> Employee/Equipment -> Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job)(by Category) (Report #561)
10.2.12 To enter disbursement standard rates, see Lookup Tables -> Work Types -> check "Disbursement" and "Std" - enter Unit, Cost Rate and Charge Rate, then remove the "all work types" work type (the one with the work type code "*")