
on a daily basis Latitude manages

thousands of clients and employees

hundreds of thousands of jobs and job related documents & plans

millions of timesheets and dollars of revenue

Latitude is a comprehensive business management package designed for both businesses and government organizations that have to track professional time on projects and/or manage projects and project information. 

Project Workflow

Automated workflow system coordinates and controls staff working on projects. Presents all staff with an up-to-date list of tasks to be done and when they are due. Employees then acccept an item from the list and later flag it as complete when they are done. As an example, give CAD staff a list of tasks. When a task is accepted, both CAD managers and project managers can see who is working on it. When the task is complete, the system automatically notifies the next person in the workflow that CAD files are ready for checking or for inclusion in a report to the customer. This is tailored to your business by configuring Latitude with all the steps your business follows as jobs flow from an initial customer inquiry through to being paid at the end of the project. Latitude can handle as many different types of workflow as you have different ways of performing project.

Time Tracking and Billing

Record all billable & non-billable time on both external & internal projects. Produce invoices, track staff, project & non-project costs, run reports and produce invoices. Automatically link to accounting software.

Document Management

Register plans, drawings, requests, variations, conversation, spreadsheets, data files, emails, letters & almost any other type of information related to a job, project or business contact

Deep Business Viewer

Extensive tools to provide a deep view in to your business. Tools include the Latitude viewer, reports and custom report builder module.
Time Tracking and Billing
Track billable and non-billable time, analyse employee productivity & job costs
Sales and Marketing
Track leads and prospects. Track communication with clients and suppliers
Quick Deployment
Automated deployment to your workstations, servers, private cloud or public cloud

Project Management
Schedule work, issue work instructions, manage time & resources
Accounting and Financial Management
Raise invoices, track receivables, enter receipts, monitor staff, project & non-project costs. Link to accounting software.
Management Reporting
Over 200 reports to measure, analyse and control your business
Project WorkFlow
Automate the flow of work between staff. As one employee finishes work on a project eg. drafting, the project is added to the next person in the workflow's 'in box' eg. to check the drawing

Job Costing & Quoting
Use history of similar projects to cost and rapidly quote

Document Management
Register and track plans, files & drawings. Perform document version control. Use at the core of your Quality Assurance system