Latitude Corporate Edition - 9216.1201
Nov 23, 2016   Enhanced Project Workflow

        Project Managers can stop any workflow step and then restart it at a later date. This suppresses notifications until the step is restarted

        Assign 'Project Manager / Job Captain' and 'Project 2nd Manager / Job Sub-Captain' roles rather than specific employees to workflow Steps and Actions. This allows you to change project staff without having to change each workflow. It also makes it easier to reuse Template Workflows on many projects. To assign more than one project manager to a steps or action use 'Notify Groups' for each combination of project managers

        Directly enter actual end dates to end workflow actions

        Automatically emails the project manager when a workflow is complete

        New workflow 'Preview' lists workflow steps and their actions, statuses, estimated dates, actual dates and employee assignments

        Build-up new workflows from existing workflows in other projects

        See Workflow screen -> right-click on a Step/Action at the top and select "Insert Workflow..."

        New 'Change Estimates' function controls who can change workflow action date estimates with options to only change the one date, only make changes to avoid overlapping actions or to change all dates to keep the same date spread.

        See Workflow screen -> right-click on an Action -> click "Change Est"

        New billing action. Use 'Invoice' action type to more easily incorporate billing in workflows

    Enhanced Scheduler

Display scheduled projects for a crew chief in the Notification screen in addition to just receiving email notifications


Hide scheduled projects on the Notification screen when they are finished

See Notifications screen -> right-click on any of the scheduled jobs and select "Close" menu item

    Directly open scheduled projects from the Notification screen
    See Notifications screen -> double-click on any of the scheduled projects or right-click and select "Open" menu item
    Automated Notification of Equipment & Staff Registration, Calibration & Medicals Due

Remind maintenance staff that equipment and vehicle inspection, registration, calibration or maintenance is due

See Equipment screen -> click "Register" button


Remind managers or HR staff that employee certifications, licenses, medicals or other credentials are due to expire and need to be updated

See Employee screen -> click "Register" button

    New Notification Backstop to ensure Nothing is Missed
    Ensure notifications for inactive staff or for groups without any active employees are rerouted to nominated active employees

Nominate permanent employees as "Database Owners"

See Management -> Employee screen -> Database Owner -> set to "Yes"


List active employees in Notify Groups

See Lookup Tables -> Notify Group -> click "Preview" button

    Filter and Sort Notifications
    Filter notification list items by Client, Project, Workflow Status and Resource assignment

Sort notification list items by Date (ie. Urgency), Priority (ie. Importance), Project, Client, Workflow Status and Resource

Set sort direction eg. most urgent to least urgent or vice versa

    Improved Support for Different Types of Work Log

Separate field work hours for each field crew working on the same project by using different types of work log

See Field Ticket screen -> Add Ticket -> pick "Ticket Style" in the dropdown


Different work log types (ie. ticket styles) are configurable with separate lists of equipment items, supplies, crew work and expected crew expenses

To configure, see Ribbon -> Lookup Tables -> Field Ticket Style Setup

    Extra Work Log Description

A second work description field to hold detailed field notes that are NOT to be used in timesheet descriptions. Run "Report #577 Work Log Summary Descriptions" to list them

See Lookup Tables -> Field Ticket Style Setup -> tick "Description 2" to "Yes"

    Project Replication
    Replicate (copy) an existing project to create a new project
    Option to also copy project site location details (address, lat/long, legal description etc)
    Option to reuse the source project folder in the new project (by default Latitude creates a new project folder for each new project)
    Option to create a folder for the new project as a subfolder inside the project folder of the source project

Only works with the standard JobCreator (fkeyStandard2)

No other JobCreators have this option



During the upgrade to this version of Latitude all settings for the JobCreator fkeyStandard are automatically moved to the improved JobCreator fkeyStandard2

    See Project screen -> "Replicate Job" button
    Filter and Sort Overall Timesheets on a Project
    Pick the "Employee" or "Work Type" from the column drop-down headers to filter the timesheets
    Click the "Sort" buttons to sort by Employee, Date, Work Type, Task Code, CB Code and Invoice Number
    Set Week Start Day for Weekly Timesheets
    Set the day (eg. Sunday , Monday etc) to start the week in the weekly timesheet screen

To change this, see Setup -> Time -> "First day of the week"

"Monday" is the default

    4 Extra User Fields in Employee screen

Additional user fields for more detail entry

    QuickBooks Invoice Link is now 50 times Faster

Faster invoice export to QuickBooks

    QuickBooks Invoice Link based on Invoice Status
    Export invoices based on invoice status: Draft, Submitted or All
    By default, the option is set to "Submitted"
    Only available for direct exports ie. NOT the older style exports that use IIF files
    QuickBooks Payroll Timesheet Link

New option to set the QuickBooks Payroll Class when exporting timesheets to QuickBooks Payroll

See Setup -> Acct Link -> QuickBooks

Select 'Use Job User Fields' in the 'Payroll Class' drop-down

Designate a project user field to hold the 'Payroll Class' of each project

    Reckon Invoice Link is now 50 times Faster
            Faster invoice export to Reckon
    Reckon Invoice Link based on Invoice Status

Export invoices based on invoice status: Draft, Submitted or All

By default, the option is set to "Submitted"

            Only available for direct exports ie. NOT the older style exports that use IIF files
    Reckon Payroll Timesheet Link
            New option to set the Reckon Payroll Class when exporting timesheets to Reckon Payroll
                    See Setup -> Acct Link -> Reckon

Select 'Use Job User Fields' in the 'Payroll Class' drop-down

Designate a project user field to hold the 'Payroll Class' of each project

    Fill Quotes from Rate Schedules
            See Lookup Tables -> "Rate Schedules" -> set "Can Fill Quote" and "Current" columns to Yes
            Enter sort number in "Sort" column to set the order you want the rate schedule items to appear in quotes
    Task Actual Cost & Charge Value Auto-Calculation

Automatically update the actual Cost and Charge amounts in tasks as timesheets are entered by employees


                            Task cost and charge rates are not editable
                            Disbursements are not used in the calculations
            See Setup -> Time -> Update Task Actual Qty, Cost & Charge Amounts when (timesheets are saved)
    Hide Unused Tabs in Employee Screen

        Minimize screen clutter

        See Setup -> Task/Emp -> Hide Employee Tabs

    Rename Timesheet screen Tabs
            Refer to Custom Fields "Tabs" section for a full list of tab names
            See Administration -> Custom Field -> enter the "Tab Control Name" in the "Control Name" column then enter the new "Tab" caption in the "New Control Text" column
    Display "Job Description" instead of "Job Name" on the Weekly Timesheet screen
            See Setup -> Time -> tick the "Display Job Description"
    Option to Hide Costs in Project screen Timesheet tab
            New "frmJobsfrmTimesheetsCosts" entry in object security. When given a security code, it hides the "Cost" columns in the Project screen -> Timesheet tab
    Improved Reports
            Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576) - see Reports -> Financial
                    Timesheet details are now sorted from earliest to recent dates
            Staff Billable Utilization (for Date range, Emp, Work Type) (Report #472) - see Reports -> Productivity
                    Improved loading speed
            Job Hrs Cost/Charged (for date range & Job) (by Job, Work Type & Date) (Report #108) - see Reports -> Job/Project
                    Widened "Qty" column
            Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job) (by Category) (Report #561) - see Reports -> Employee/Equipment
                    Narrowed project, ticket number, regular qty, OT claim and total qty to fit more work type description
            Work Log Summary Descriptions (Report #577) - see Reports -> Timesheets
                   Lists work log/field ticket descriptions in a project for a date range
            Job Work Value WIP Report by Job Captain for a Date Range (Report #180) - see Reports -> Job/Project
                   New "Show" dropdown option with selections to show "Site Location" or "Job Name" column
            Job Timesheet & Invoice Difference by Job No (for date range & job status) (Report #216) - see Reports -> Job/Project
                   New "Show" dropdown option with selections to show "Only jobs with timesheets" or show "Jobs with no timesheets"
    Accounting Link to QuickBooks
    Export Clients and Invoices to QuickBooks 2017 (IIF)
    Export Receipts (Accrual) to QuickBooks 2017 (IIF)
    Export Clients and Invoices to QuickBooks 2017
    Export Payroll Timesheets to QuickBooks 2017
    Export Receipts (Accrual) to QuickBooks 2017
    Import Customers from QuickBooks 2017
    Accounting Link to Sage

Export Clients and Invoices to Sage 50 2017

Import Customers from Sage 50 2017

    Various bug fixes
Latitude Corporate Edition - 9216.0601
May 21, 2016   Register Online Documents

Link files and documents stored in SharePoint, OneDrive, Google Docs and other cloud storage services

In the Register Attachments window, copy-and-paste document URLs to serve as references to the documents
Double-click these URLs and Latitude opens the document inside your default browser
Note, depending on your security settings and operating system program defaults, the document may also be automatically opened using the program set in your operating system
Simple Ad Hoc Reporting
Use the Filter screens to generate easy to build ad hoc reports
Choose up to 10 fields you want to list in the report
Set the selection criteria to select the rows of data you want to see
Print out the result datasheet directly to printer or export it to PDF
If you have Microsoft Excel installed, you can also highlight the result datasheet (ie. click the top-left corner of the grid view result) -> then copy and paste it into an Excel spreadsheet
For example, to print a list of projects of a certain status, go to Job screen -> click the Filter button -> enter or select the Job Status you want -> click the List button -> click the Preview button
Bill Invoices to Third Party Contacts
Raise invoices for people or companies other than the project client
Link contacts from other companies (ie. third party contacts) to the project using the Team tab
Choose the project billing contact you want to bill from among the Team contacts
If you want to bill a third party company instead, go to Invoice screen -> choose the Billing Client to set the billing address
Charge Fees Above the Original Invoice Amount
Receipt fees such as late payment penalties and credit card payment fees on invoices

In Receipts, enter the extra charge as a negative discount on the invoice

Bulk Update Timesheet Charge Rates & Amounts
Update the charge rate and charge amount in existing timesheets and disbursements all in one go based on a specific Rate Schedule
See Invoice -> Timesheet tab (or Disbursement tab) -> on the bottom-left click the "Bulk Update Charge" button

Select the Rate Schedule to use

Enter the Date range

Check or uncheck to include or exclude disbursements

Select where to apply new rates to: All, Allocated Timesheets only, Unallocated Timesheets only

Legal Description Lookup Valid Values Only

Configure Legal Description elements to list only valid values from a lookup table rather than listing all values previously entered. This helps reduce errors during data entry.

See Ribbon -> Lookup Tables -> Land / Legal Description / Oil Well Type - check "Use Lookup

Go to Ribbon -> Main -> Land / Legal Description / Oil Well

click Add Item

double-click the element

enter the code and description

click Close

Enhanced Project Data Validation
Revalidate project details when you reopen old projects. Checks whether the job type and project folder still exist when you reopen an old project by changing its job status from "closed" to "open". 
Stamp Draft Invoices with "DRAFT"
Distinguish draft invoices from final invoices in your WordLink invoice templates using the new Inv.StatusDraftText tag. Set its size and color in the template
Extra Progress Claim Invoice Totals
New WordLink tags to show total budget, total prior claims, total claims to date and total claim this month
Link Project Managers to particular Invoices
Track invoices by the project manager responsible for the project when the invoice was raised. Latitude automatically assigns the current project manager when invoices are raised
When first upgrading to this version, Latitude will set the project manager of all existing invoices without project managers to the current project manager of the job
Standardize Disbursement Rates across the Business

Use a standard set of disbursement rates rather than having to hold sets of rates on each employee who records disbursements

Enter disbursements using the new Disbursement Standard Rates rather than Employee Standard Rates

To enable this option, see Setup -> Time -> Disbursement -> "Don't use Emp Std Rates for Disb with the same UOM eg. Hours"

To enter disbursement standard rates, see Lookup Tables -> Work Types -> check "Disbursement" and "Std" - enter Unit, Cost Rate and Charge Rate, then remove the "all work types" work type (the one with the work type code "*")

Work Type Groups

Assign work types to groups to be used in reports to display time and disbursements in these groups

See Reports -> Financial -> Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576)

See Reports -> Employee/Equipment -> Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job)(by Category) (Report #561)

Employee Dropdown
List employees sorted by Surname then Given Name in the Employee screen dropdown list
Longer Invoice numbers in Job Timesheets tab
Wider Invoice Number column to display longer invoice numbers in the Job screen Timesheets tab 
Improved Reports
Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job) (by Category) (Report #561) - see Reports -> Employee/Equipment

Excluded equipment items in the employee selection dropdown criteria

Display "IncludedWorkTypeGroups" parameter in the report header

Exclude timesheets and disbursements not belonging to any work type groups

Select what groups of timesheets and disbursement items you want to display through "Work Type Groups" option

Regular and total Qty now shows values from Work Qty field

Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #567) - see Reports -> Financial

Displays all invoices including drafts. See Invoice -> Status

Wider Employee and Work Description fields

New invoice amount subtotal

Employee Hrs Worked (for Date range & Job)(by Emp, Work Type, Date & Job) (Report #46) - see Reports -> Employee/Equipment
New "Hide Extension" option to show or hide timesheet charge amounts
Job WIP Report (Report #106) - see Reports -> Job/Project
New "Force Page Break by Job" option to always start the timesheet listing by job on a new page
Job Hrs Work Types Not Invoiced (for Date range & Job) (by Job, Work Type & Date) (Report #113) - see Reports -> Job/Project

Displays company name and job site address to the right of job details

New "Show Charge Rate" option to show the charge "Rate" column

Accounting Link to MYOB

Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB 2016

Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB 2016

Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Premier 2016

Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Premier 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Premier 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Premier 2016

Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Premier 2016

Accounting Link to Reckon

Export Clients and Invoices to Reckon Accounts 2016 (IIF)

Export Receipts (Accrual) to Reckon Accounts 2016 (IIF)

Export Clients and Invoices to Reckon Accounts 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to Reckon Accounts 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to Reckon Accounts 2016

Import Customers from Reckon Accounts 2016

Various bug fixes
Latitude Business Edition - 9216.1201
 Nov 23, 2016   Improved Support for Different Types of Work Log

Separate field work hours for each field crew working on the same project by using different types of work log

See Field Ticket screen -> Add Ticket -> pick "Ticket Style" in the dropdown


Different work log types (ie. ticket styles) are configurable with separate lists of equipment items, supplies, crew work and expected crew expenses

To configure, see Ribbon -> Lookup Tables -> Field Ticket Style Setup

    Extra Work Log Description

A second work description field to hold detailed field notes that are NOT to be used in timesheet descriptions. Run "Report #577 Work Log Summary Descriptions" to list them

See Lookup Tables -> Field Ticket Style Setup -> tick "Description 2" to "Yes"

    Project Replication
    Replicate (copy) an existing project to create a new project
    Option to also copy project site location details (address, lat/long, legal description etc)
    Option to reuse the source project folder in the new project (by default Latitude creates a new project folder for each new project)
    Option to create a folder for the new project as a subfolder inside the project folder of the source project

Only works with the standard JobCreator (fkeyStandard2)

No other JobCreators have this option



During the upgrade to this version of Latitude all settings for the JobCreator fkeyStandard are automatically moved to the improved JobCreator fkeyStandard2

    See Project screen -> "Replicate Job" button
    Filter and Sort Overall Timesheets on a Project
    Pick the "Employee" or "Work Type" from the column drop-down headers to filter the timesheets
    Click the "Sort" buttons to sort by Employee, Date, Work Type, Task Code, CB Code and Invoice Number
    Set Week Start Day for Weekly Timesheets
    Set the day (eg. Sunday , Monday etc) to start the week in the weekly timesheet screen

To change this, see Setup -> Time -> "First day of the week"

"Monday" is the default

    4 Extra User Fields in Employee screen

Additional user fields for more detail entry

    QuickBooks Invoice Link is now 50 times Faster

Faster invoice export to QuickBooks

    QuickBooks Invoice Link based on Invoice Status
    Export invoices based on invoice status: Draft, Submitted or All
    By default, the option is set to "Submitted"
    Only available for direct exports ie. NOT the older style exports that use IIF files
    QuickBooks Payroll Timesheet Link

New option to set the QuickBooks Payroll Class when exporting timesheets to QuickBooks Payroll

See Setup -> Acct Link -> QuickBooks

Select 'Use Job User Fields' in the 'Payroll Class' drop-down

Designate a project user field to hold the 'Payroll Class' of each project

    Reckon Invoice Link is now 50 times Faster
            Faster invoice export to Reckon
    Reckon Invoice Link based on Invoice Status

Export invoices based on invoice status: Draft, Submitted or All

By default, the option is set to "Submitted"

            Only available for direct exports ie. NOT the older style exports that use IIF files
    Reckon Payroll Timesheet Link
            New option to set the Reckon Payroll Class when exporting timesheets to Reckon Payroll
                    See Setup -> Acct Link -> Reckon

Select 'Use Job User Fields' in the 'Payroll Class' drop-down

Designate a project user field to hold the 'Payroll Class' of each project

    Fill Quotes from Rate Schedules
            See Lookup Tables -> "Rate Schedules" -> set "Can Fill Quote" and "Current" columns to Yes
            Enter sort number in "Sort" column to set the order you want the rate schedule items to appear in quotes
    Task Actual Cost & Charge Value Auto-Calculation

Automatically update the actual Cost and Charge amounts in tasks as timesheets are entered by employees


                            Task cost and charge rates are not editable
                            Disbursements are not used in the calculations
            See Setup -> Time -> Update Task Actual Qty, Cost & Charge Amounts when (timesheets are saved) 
    Hide Unused Tabs in Employee Screen

        Minimize screen clutter

        See Setup -> Task/Emp -> Hide Employee Tabs

    Rename Timesheet screen Tabs
            Refer to Custom Fields "Tabs" section for a full list of tab names
            See Administration -> Custom Field -> enter the "Tab Control Name" in the "Control Name" column then enter the new "Tab" caption in the "New Control Text" column
    Display "Job Description" instead of "Job Name" on the Weekly Timesheet screen
            See Setup -> Time -> tick the "Display Job Description"
    Option to Hide Costs in Project screen Timesheet tab
            New "frmJobsfrmTimesheetsCosts" entry in object security. When given a security code, it hides the "Cost" columns in the Project screen -> Timesheet tab
    Improved Reports
            Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576) - see Reports -> Financial
                    Timesheet details are now sorted from earliest to recent dates
            Staff Billable Utilization (for Date range, Emp, Work Type) (Report #472) - see Reports -> Productivity
                    Improved loading speed
            Job Hrs Cost/Charged (for date range & Job) (by Job, Work Type & Date) (Report #108) - see Reports -> Job/Project
                    Widened "Qty" column
            Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job) (by Category) (Report #561) - see Reports -> Employee/Equipment
                    Narrowed project, ticket number, regular qty, OT claim and total qty to fit more work type description
            Work Log Summary Descriptions (Report #577) - see Reports -> Timesheets
                   Lists work log/field ticket descriptions in a project for a date range
            Job Work Value WIP Report by Job Captain for a Date Range (Report #180) - see Reports -> Job/Project
                   New "Show" dropdown option with selections to show "Site Location" or "Job Name" column
            Job Timesheet & Invoice Difference by Job No (for date range & job status) (Report #216) - see Reports -> Job/Project
                   New "Show" dropdown option with selections to show "Only jobs with timesheets" or show "Jobs with no timesheets"
    Accounting Link to QuickBooks
    Export Clients and Invoices to QuickBooks 2017 (IIF)
    Export Receipts (Accrual) to QuickBooks 2017 (IIF)
    Export Clients and Invoices to QuickBooks 2017
    Export Payroll Timesheets to QuickBooks 2017
    Export Receipts (Accrual) to QuickBooks 2017 
    Import Customers from QuickBooks 2017 
    Accounting Link to Sage

Export Clients and Invoices to Sage 50 2017

Import Customers from Sage 50 2017

    Various bug fixes
Latitude Business Edition - 9216.0601
May 21, 2016 Register Online Documents

Link files and documents stored in SharePoint, OneDrive, Google Docs and other cloud storage services

In the Register Attachments window, copy-and-paste document URLs to serve as references to the documents
Double-click these URLs and Latitude opens the document inside your default browser
Note, depending on your security settings and operating system program defaults, the document may also be automatically opened using the program set in your operating system
Simple Ad Hoc Reporting
Use the Filter screens to generate easy to build ad hoc reports
Choose up to 10 fields you want to list in the report
Set the selection criteria to select the rows of data you want to see
Print out the result datasheet directly to printer or export it to PDF
If you have Microsoft Excel installed, you can also highlight the result datasheet (ie. click the top-left corner of the grid view result) -> then copy and paste it into an Excel spreadsheet
For example, to print a list of projects of a certain status, go to Job screen -> click the Filter button -> enter or select the Job Status you want -> click the List button -> click the Preview button
Bill Invoices to Third Party Contacts
Raise invoices for people or companies other than the project client
Link contacts from other companies (ie. third party contacts) to the project using the Team tab
Choose the project billing contact you want to bill from among the Team contacts
If you want to bill a third party company instead, go to Invoice screen -> choose the Billing Client to set the billing address
Charge Fees Above the Original Invoice Amount
Receipt fees such as late payment penalties and credit card payment fees on invoices

In Receipts, enter the extra charge as a negative discount on the invoice

Bulk Update Timesheet Charge Rates & Amounts
Update the charge rate and charge amount in existing timesheets and disbursements all in one go based on a specific Rate Schedule
See Invoice -> Timesheet tab (or Disbursement tab) -> on the bottom-left click the "Bulk Update Charge" button

Select the Rate Schedule to use

Enter the Date range

Check or uncheck to include or exclude disbursements

Select where to apply new rates to: All, Allocated Timesheets only, Unallocated Timesheets only

Legal Description Lookup Valid Values Only

Configure Legal Description elements to list only valid values from a lookup table rather than listing all values previously entered. This helps reduce errors during data entry.

See Ribbon -> Lookup Tables -> Land / Legal Description / Oil Well Type - check "Use Lookup

Go to Ribbon -> Main -> Land / Legal Description / Oil Well

click Add Item

double-click the element

enter the code and description

click Close

Enhanced Project Data Validation
Revalidate project details when you reopen old projects. Checks whether the job type and project folder still exist when you reopen an old project by changing its job status from "closed" to "open". 
Stamp Draft Invoices with "DRAFT"
Distinguish draft invoices from final invoices in your WordLink invoice templates using the new Inv.StatusDraftText tag. Set its size and color in the template
Extra Progress Claim Invoice Totals
New WordLink tags to show total budget, total prior claims, total claims to date and total claim this month
Link Project Managers to particular Invoices
Track invoices by the project manager responsible for the project when the invoice was raised. Latitude automatically assigns the current project manager when invoices are raised
When first upgrading to this version, Latitude will set the project manager of all existing invoices without project managers to the current project manager of the job
Standardize Disbursement Rates across the Business

Use a standard set of disbursement rates rather than having to hold sets of rates on each employee who records disbursements

Enter disbursements using the new Disbursement Standard Rates rather than Employee Standard Rates

To enable this option, see Setup -> Time -> Disbursement -> "Don't use Emp Std Rates for Disb with the same UOM eg. Hours"

To enter disbursement standard rates, see Lookup Tables -> Work Types -> check "Disbursement" and "Std" - enter Unit, Cost Rate and Charge Rate, then remove the "all work types" work type (the one with the work type code "*")

Work Type Groups

Assign work types to groups to be used in reports to display time and disbursements in these groups

See Reports -> Financial -> Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576)

See Reports -> Employee/Equipment -> Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job)(by Category) (Report #561)

Employee Dropdown
List employees sorted by Surname then Given Name in the Employee screen dropdown list
Longer Invoice numbers in Job Timesheets tab
Wider Invoice Number column to display longer invoice numbers in the Job screen Timesheets tab 
Improved Reports
Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job) (by Category) (Report #561) - see Reports -> Employee/Equipment

Excluded equipment items in the employee selection dropdown criteria

Display "IncludedWorkTypeGroups" parameter in the report header

Exclude timesheets and disbursements not belonging to any work type groups

Select what groups of timesheets and disbursement items you want to display through "Work Type Groups" option

Regular and total Qty now shows values from Work Qty field

Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #567) - see Reports -> Financial

Displays all invoices including drafts. See Invoice -> Status

Wider Employee and Work Description fields

New invoice amount subtotal

Employee Hrs Worked (for Date range & Job)(by Emp, Work Type, Date & Job) (Report #46) - see Reports -> Employee/Equipment
New "Hide Extension" option to show or hide timesheet charge amounts
Job WIP Report (Report #106) - see Reports -> Job/Project
New "Force Page Break by Job" option to always start the timesheet listing by job on a new page
Job Hrs Work Types Not Invoiced (for Date range & Job) (by Job, Work Type & Date) (Report #113) - see Reports -> Job/Project

Displays company name and job site address to the right of job details

New "Show Charge Rate" option to show the charge "Rate" column

Accounting Link to MYOB

Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB 2016

Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB 2016

Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Premier 2016

Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Premier 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Premier 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Premier 2016

Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Premier 2016

Accounting Link to Reckon

Export Clients and Invoices to Reckon Accounts 2016 (IIF)

Export Receipts (Accrual) to Reckon Accounts 2016 (IIF)

Export Clients and Invoices to Reckon Accounts 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to Reckon Accounts 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to Reckon Accounts 2016

Import Customers from Reckon Accounts 2016

Various bug fixes
Latitude Professional Edition - 9216.1201
Nov 23, 2016   Project Replication
    Replicate (copy) an existing project to create a new project
    Option to also copy project site location details (address, lat/long, legal description etc)
    Option to reuse the source project folder in the new project (by default Latitude creates a new project folder for each new project)
    Option to create a folder for the new project as a subfolder inside the project folder of the source project

Only works with the standard JobCreator (fkeyStandard2)

No other JobCreators have this option



During the upgrade to this version of Latitude all settings for the JobCreator fkeyStandard are automatically moved to the improved JobCreator fkeyStandard2

    See Project screen -> "Replicate Job" button
    Filter and Sort Overall Timesheets on a Project
    Pick the "Employee" or "Work Type" from the column drop-down headers to filter the timesheets
    Click the "Sort" buttons to sort by Employee, Date, Work Type, Task Code, CB Code and Invoice Number
    Set Week Start Day for Weekly Timesheets
    Set the day (eg. Sunday , Monday etc) to start the week in the weekly timesheet screen

To change this, see Setup -> Time -> "First day of the week"

"Monday" is the default

    4 Extra User Fields in Employee screen

Additional user fields for more detail entry

    QuickBooks Invoice Link is now 50 times Faster

Faster invoice export to QuickBooks

    QuickBooks Invoice Link based on Invoice Status
    Export invoices based on invoice status: Draft, Submitted or All
    By default, the option is set to "Submitted"
    Only available for direct exports ie. NOT the older style exports that use IIF files
    QuickBooks Payroll Timesheet Link

New option to set the QuickBooks Payroll Class when exporting timesheets to QuickBooks Payroll

See Setup -> Acct Link -> QuickBooks

Select 'Use Job User Fields' in the 'Payroll Class' drop-down

Designate a project user field to hold the 'Payroll Class' of each project

    Reckon Invoice Link is now 50 times Faster
            Faster invoice export to Reckon
    Reckon Invoice Link based on Invoice Status

Export invoices based on invoice status: Draft, Submitted or All

By default, the option is set to "Submitted"

            Only available for direct exports ie. NOT the older style exports that use IIF files
    Reckon Payroll Timesheet Link
            New option to set the Reckon Payroll Class when exporting timesheets to Reckon Payroll
                    See Setup -> Acct Link -> Reckon

Select 'Use Job User Fields' in the 'Payroll Class' drop-down

Designate a project user field to hold the 'Payroll Class' of each project

    Fill Quotes from Rate Schedules
            See Lookup Tables -> "Rate Schedules" -> set "Can Fill Quote" and "Current" columns to Yes
            Enter sort number in "Sort" column to set the order you want the rate schedule items to appear in quotes
    Task Actual Cost & Charge Value Auto-Calculation

Automatically update the actual Cost and Charge amounts in tasks as timesheets are entered by employees


                            Task cost and charge rates are not editable
                            Disbursements are not used in the calculations
            See Setup -> Time -> Update Task Actual Qty, Cost & Charge Amounts when (timesheets are saved) 
    Hide Unused Tabs in Employee Screen

        Minimize screen clutter

        See Setup -> Task/Emp -> Hide Employee Tabs

    Rename Timesheet screen Tabs
            Refer to Custom Fields "Tabs" section for a full list of tab names
            See Administration -> Custom Field -> enter the "Tab Control Name" in the "Control Name" column then enter the new "Tab" caption in the "New Control Text" column
    Display "Job Description" instead of "Job Name" on the Weekly Timesheet screen
            See Setup -> Time -> tick the "Display Job Description"
    Option to Hide Costs in Project screen Timesheet tab
            New "frmJobsfrmTimesheetsCosts" entry in object security. When given a security code, it hides the "Cost" columns in the Project screen -> Timesheet tab
    Improved Reports
            Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576) - see Reports -> Financial
                    Timesheet details are now sorted from earliest to recent dates
            Staff Billable Utilization (for Date range, Emp, Work Type) (Report #472) - see Reports -> Productivity
                    Improved loading speed
            Job Hrs Cost/Charged (for date range & Job) (by Job, Work Type & Date) (Report #108) - see Reports -> Job/Project
                    Widened "Qty" column
            Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job) (by Category) (Report #561) - see Reports -> Employee/Equipment
                    Narrowed project, ticket number, regular qty, OT claim and total qty to fit more work type description
            Work Log Summary Descriptions (Report #577) - see Reports -> Timesheets
                   Lists work log/field ticket descriptions in a project for a date range
            Job Work Value WIP Report by Job Captain for a Date Range (Report #180) - see Reports -> Job/Project
                   New "Show" dropdown option with selections to show "Site Location" or "Job Name" column
            Job Timesheet & Invoice Difference by Job No (for date range & job status) (Report #216) - see Reports -> Job/Project
                   New "Show" dropdown option with selections to show "Only jobs with timesheets" or show "Jobs with no timesheets"
    Accounting Link to QuickBooks

Export Clients and Invoices to QuickBooks 2017 (IIF)

Export Receipts (Accrual) to QuickBooks 2017 (IIF)

Export Clients and Invoices to QuickBooks 2017

Export Payroll Timesheets to QuickBooks 2017

Export Receipts (Accrual) to QuickBooks 2017

Import Customers from QuickBooks 2017

    Accounting Link to Sage

Export Clients and Invoices to Sage 50 2017

Import Customers from Sage 50 2017

    Various bug fixes
Latitude Professional Edition - 9216.0601
May 21, 2016 Register Online Documents

Link files and documents stored in SharePoint, OneDrive, Google Docs and other cloud storage services

In the Register Attachments window, copy-and-paste document URLs to serve as references to the documents
Double-click these URLs and Latitude opens the document inside your default browser
Note, depending on your security settings and operating system program defaults, the document may also be automatically opened using the program set in your operating system
Simple Ad Hoc Reporting
Use the Filter screens to generate easy to build ad hoc reports
Choose up to 10 fields you want to list in the report
Set the selection criteria to select the rows of data you want to see
Print out the result datasheet directly to printer or export it to PDF
If you have Microsoft Excel installed, you can also highlight the result datasheet (ie. click the top-left corner of the grid view result) -> then copy and paste it into an Excel spreadsheet
For example, to print a list of projects of a certain status, go to Job screen -> click the Filter button -> enter or select the Job Status you want -> click the List button -> click the Preview button
Bill Invoices to Third Party Contacts
Raise invoices for people or companies other than the project client
Link contacts from other companies (ie. third party contacts) to the project using the Team tab
Choose the project billing contact you want to bill from among the Team contacts
If you want to bill a third party company instead, go to Invoice screen -> choose the Billing Client to set the billing address
Charge Fees Above the Original Invoice Amount
Receipt fees such as late payment penalties and credit card payment fees on invoices

In Receipts, enter the extra charge as a negative discount on the invoice

Bulk Update Timesheet Charge Rates & Amounts
Update the charge rate and charge amount in existing timesheets and disbursements all in one go based on a specific Rate Schedule
See Invoice -> Timesheet tab (or Disbursement tab) -> on the bottom-left click the "Bulk Update Charge" button

Select the Rate Schedule to use

Enter the Date range

Check or uncheck to include or exclude disbursements

Select where to apply new rates to: All, Allocated Timesheets only, Unallocated Timesheets only

Legal Description Lookup Valid Values Only

Configure Legal Description elements to list only valid values from a lookup table rather than listing all values previously entered. This helps reduce errors during data entry.

See Ribbon -> Lookup Tables -> Land / Legal Description / Oil Well Type - check "Use Lookup

Go to Ribbon -> Main -> Land / Legal Description / Oil Well

click Add Item

double-click the element

enter the code and description

click Close

Enhanced Project Data Validation
Revalidate project details when you reopen old projects. Checks whether the job type and project folder still exist when you reopen an old project by changing its job status from "closed" to "open". 
Link Project Managers to particular Invoices
Track invoices by the project manager responsible for the project when the invoice was raised. Latitude automatically assigns the current project manager when invoices are raised
When first upgrading to this version, Latitude will set the project manager of all existing invoices without project managers to the current project manager of the job
Standardize Disbursement Rates across the Business

Use a standard set of disbursement rates rather than having to hold sets of rates on each employee who records disbursements

Enter disbursements using the new Disbursement Standard Rates rather than Employee Standard Rates

To enable this option, see Setup -> Time -> Disbursement -> "Don't use Emp Std Rates for Disb with the same UOM eg. Hours"

To enter disbursement standard rates, see Lookup Tables -> Work Types -> check "Disbursement" and "Std" - enter Unit, Cost Rate and Charge Rate, then remove the "all work types" work type (the one with the work type code "*")

Work Type Groups

Assign work types to groups to be used in reports to display time and disbursements in these groups

See Reports -> Financial -> Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576)

See Reports -> Employee/Equipment -> Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job)(by Category) (Report #561)

Employee Dropdown
List employees sorted by Surname then Given Name in the Employee screen dropdown list
Longer Invoice numbers in Job Timesheets tab
Wider Invoice Number column to display longer invoice numbers in the Job screen Timesheets tab 
Improved Reports
Employee Hours & Overtime Claim (for Date range, Employee & Job) (by Category) (Report #561) - see Reports -> Employee/Equipment

Excluded equipment items in the employee selection dropdown criteria

Display "IncludedWorkTypeGroups" parameter in the report header

Exclude timesheets and disbursements not belonging to any work type groups

Select what groups of timesheets and disbursement items you want to display through "Work Type Groups" option

Regular and total Qty now shows values from Work Qty field

Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #567) - see Reports -> Financial

Displays all invoices including drafts. See Invoice -> Status

Wider Employee and Work Description fields

New invoice amount subtotal

Employee Hrs Worked (for Date range & Job)(by Emp, Work Type, Date & Job) (Report #46) - see Reports -> Employee/Equipment
New "Hide Extension" option to show or hide timesheet charge amounts
Job WIP Report (Report #106) - see Reports -> Job/Project
New "Force Page Break by Job" option to always start the timesheet listing by job on a new page
Job Hrs Work Types Not Invoiced (for Date range & Job) (by Job, Work Type & Date) (Report #113) - see Reports -> Job/Project

Displays company name and job site address to the right of job details

New "Show Charge Rate" option to show the charge "Rate" column

Accounting Link to MYOB

Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB 2016

Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB 2016

Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Accounting Plus 2016

Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Premier 2016

Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Premier 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Premier 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Premier 2016

Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Premier 2016

Accounting Link to Reckon

Export Clients and Invoices to Reckon Accounts 2016 (IIF)

Export Receipts (Accrual) to Reckon Accounts 2016 (IIF)

Export Clients and Invoices to Reckon Accounts 2016

Export Payroll Timesheets to Reckon Accounts 2016

Export Receipts (Accrual) to Reckon Accounts 2016

Import Customers from Reckon Accounts 2016

Various bug fixes