Latitude Corporate Edition - 9217.0801
  Email Invoices
    Raise invoices and email them directly from the invoice screen
    This feature is not available in the Latitude Remote Client (LRC).
    See invoice -> Latitude ribbon at the top of the screen -> Email button -> enter recipient, subject, body & check attachments -> view in Outlook (or another email client) -> click send
    New Higher Capacity & More Secure 64-bit Application
    Run Latitude natively with 64-bit editions of Microsoft Office 2010 SP1, 2013 and 2016
    Benefits of 64-bit Software
    Uses 64-bit Office engine & system libraries that enforce use of Hardware Data Execution Prevention (DEP) security protection which prevents malicious code from running on your system.
    The absence of hard limits on Excel workbook sizes mean you can export large (over 2GB) reports from Latitude to Excel.
    64-bit Windows & 64-bit Software
    Latitude 64-bit edition is dependent on the "bitness" of the Microsoft Office version installed and NOT on the Microsoft Windows version installed on a computer. So, if you have 64-bit Windows installed, you can, but don't need to use 64-bit versions of software on it, eg. 32-bit editions of Office and Latitude will run on 64-bit Windows. In fact, Microsoft defaults to installing 32-bit Office on 64-bit Windows computers (see https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Choose-between-the-64-bit-or-32-bit-version-of-Office-2dee7807-8f95-4d0c-b5fe-6c6f49b8d261).
    Note, in the instructions below, we use "32-bit Office computer" or "64-bit Office computer" to refer to Office "bitness" rather than Windows "bitness" when referring to a computer that suits 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Latitude.
    Warning on Moving from 32-bit to 64-bit Office
    If you currently use any 3rd party Office applications or plugins with your 32-bit Office, you must ask their various software vendors about your 64-bit options, as moving from 32-bit to 64-bit "breaks" most plugins that use 32-bit Windows system libraries.
    Latitude Installation on Networks with 32-bit and/or 64-bit Office
    All 32-bit Office
    Nothing to think about as this has been the default Latitude installation environment since the 1990's.
    All 64-bit Office
    This is also handled by Latitude, as the fact that 64-bit Office is installed on a computer tells the Latitude installer to install 64-bit Latitude.
    Mixed Environment with 32-bit and 64-bit Office on Different Workstations
    The fact that 64-bit Office is installed on a computer tells the Latitude installer to install 64-bit Latitude, otherwise it will install 32-bit Latitude.
    If you don't have 64-bit Office installed on a computer, the Latitude installer will install a 32-bit Office runtime by default.
    If you already have 32-bit Latitude installed on existing computers and you have new 64-bit Office computers
    Run the Latitude installer the same way as before on these 64-bit Office computers
    If you already have 64-bit Latitude installed and you want to install Latitude on 32-bit Office computers
    Run the Latitude installer the same way as before on these 32-bit Office computers
    Upgrade Latitude to a newer version (eg. 9217.0101 to 9217.0801)
    First, run the Latitude installer on a 32-bit Office computer BEFORE, running it again on a 64-bit Office computer
    The Automatic Deployment Feature (ADF) will then automatically update all other 32-bit and 64-bit Office computers on your network with you having to run the Latitude installer on again on each of them
    Move From 32-bit to 64-bit Office on a computer
    Read the "Warning on Moving from 32-bit to 64-bit Office" above before proceeding
    Uninstall Latitude and then uninstall 32-bit Office
    Install 64-bit Office and then install 64-bit Latitude
    Do the reverse if you need to move from 64-bit Office to 32-bit Office
    Enhanced Latitude Viewer
    Open Projects

Project managers list of all their projects that they can quickly drill down into to manage each project

Now lists projects that are dated on or after January 1, 2010

    To change this default date
    See Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> click "Open Projects" in the "View" dropdown -> change the "Hide projects older than" date
    WIP (Work in Process)

See all of your unbilled time on a project by project basis together with quote and invoiced-to-date amounts.
Lists all projects, with the greatest amount of unbilled timesheets shown at the top of the list

    Also shows quoted & invoiced-to-date amounts that supplement WIP amounts
    Right click or double click a project to see full details
    Outstanding Invoices

Review the largest outstanding invoices you have, so you can take action to collect what is due to your business
Now lists the first 50 invoices that are due on or after January 1.

    To change this default date
    See Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> click "Outstanding Invoices" in the "View" dropdown -> change the "Hide invoices older than" date option
    To show all invoices and not just the first 50
    See Latitude Viewer -> Outstanding Invoices -> click "Show" and change it from "Top 50" to "All"
    This view is automatically hidden when the "^" security code is set.
    The Latitude Viewer is displayed immediately after logon only if the "Notify" feature is enabled
    To change this
    See Setup -> Notify -> tick the "Enable Notify" option
    When the "Notify" feature is enabled but the user logged on does not have notifications, the Latitude Viewer will not pop up even if it has records displayed in other views
    More Robust Latitude EmailNotifier
    Run the EmailNotifier as a Windows Service. It will then run in its own Windows session without requiring a user to explicitly log in.
    It automatically starts when your server boots, it can also be paused and restarted.
    To do this
    Go to where the EmailNotifier is installed (usually "C:\Latitude\LatitudeEmailNotifier" on a server)
    Locate "LatitudeEmailNotifierServiceInstall.bat" and double click to install as a service
    See Windows Administrative Tools -> Services and look for "Latitude Email Notifier" item
    Right click the item and click "Start"
    More Robust Latitude ExchangeLink
    Run the ExchangeLink as a Windows Service. It will then run in its own Windows session without requiring a user to explicitly log in.
    It automatically starts when your server boots, it can also be paused and restarted.
    To do this
    Go to where the ExchangeLink is installed (usually "C:\Latitude\LatitudeExchangeLinkServer" on a server)
    Locate "LatitudeExchangeLinkServiceInstall.bat" and double click to install as a service
    See Windows Administrative Tools -> Services and look for "Latitude Exchange Link" item
    Right click the item and click "Start"
    Improved Automatic Deployment Feature (ADF)
    Improved Latitude workstation upgrade function. This will make your future upgrades simpler
    Enhanced Task Assignment
    Assign employees to a task to limit who can work on the task and be allowed to enter timesheets and field tickets on it.
    To set the staff
    In the "Task Detail" screen, set the "Timesheet Entry" to "Employee Assigned Tasks Only" and click the "Add Employee" button in the "Staff" column.
    In the "Task Item" screen -> "Staff" tab, select employees in the "Employee" column
    Workflow Scheduler
    Schedule multiple projects and / or tasks from Workflow using the Scheduler all at the same time
    When you have finished scheduling
    Return to the Latitude Viewer -> My Notifications tab (which also contains Workflow items)
    Right-click each workflow item and select the menu item "Complete" to remove them from your notification list
    See Ribbon -> Management -> Workflow Scheduler
    Configurable Scheduler Rows
    Adjust the scheduler grid row heights and project/crew list row heights to display between 1 and 6 lines of detail
    Double-click cells to enter, view and edit scheduled item notes and duration
    More Latitude Viewer Filter Options
    Filter list by notification and workflow action types
    Additional Field Ticket WordLink Tags
    New WordLink tags to show rate summary of all field ticket items used on each work type
    Additional Statement WordLink Tags
    New WordLink tags to show current, 30 day old, 60 day old, 90 day old and over 90 day old invoice balances
    Better Rate Schedule Management
    Bigger screen for easier viewing of rate schedules
    Filterable and sortable rate schedules
    Accounting Link to MYOB
            Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB 2017
            Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB 2017
            Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Premier 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Premier 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Premier 2017
            Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Premier 2017
            Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Premier 2017
    Accounting Link to Reckon
            Export Clients and Invoices to Reckon Accounts 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to Reckon Accounts 2017
              Export Receipts (Accrual) to Reckon Accounts 2017
              Import Customers from Reckon Accounts 2017
    Accounting Link to Sage
             Export Clients and Invoices to Sage 50 2018
             Import Customers from Sage 50 2018
    Enhanced QuickBooks Payroll Link
    Avoid the possibility of exporting the same timesheets twice.
    Exclude previously exported timesheets when you re-export timesheets in the same given date range.
    DO NOT re-export timesheets that were exported before this version of Latitude as those timesheets do not have the QuickBooks transaction ID in them
    Enhanced Reckon Payroll Link
    Avoid the possibility of exporting the same timesheets twice.
    Exclude previously exported timesheets when you re-export timesheets in the same given date range.
    DO NOT re-export timesheets that were exported before this version of Latitude as those timesheets do not have the Reckon transaction ID in them
    Improved Reports
    Register List selected on any main field sorting on any main field (Report #204) - see Reports -> Register
    Filter more that 1 register type at a time
    Timesheets & Disbursements Invoiced (for Invoice)(by Job, Date, Emp) (Report #470) - see Reports -> Timesheets
    New "Invoice Status" selection for All, Draft or Submitted
    Job Timesheet & Invoice Difference by Job No (for date range & job status) (Report #216) - see Reports -> Job / Project
    Fixed invoices not adding up correctly
    Various bug fixes
Latitude Corporate Edition - 9217.0101
  Enhanced Project Workflow
    Automate the flow of work between staff. As one employee finishes work on a project eg. drafting, the project is added to the next person in the workflow's 'in box' eg. to check the drawing

Workflows can now be created for tasks, sub-tasks and sub-sub-tasks, so you can have large numbers of parallel workflows running on the same project (see Task item screen -> Workflow tab)


Complete workflow actions from the My Notifications view in the Latitude Viewer without the action loading a screen. To complete an action, right-click the action -> click 'Complete'

    Have project workflow steps automatically update job status when all their component actions are complete ie. when all action statuses = "Success". See WorkFlow screen -> Step -> 'On Success, set Status to'
    Have project workflow actions automatically update job status when they are completed ie. when their status = "Success". See WorkFlow screen -> Action -> 'On Success, set Status to' field.
    Added a 'Manual' workflow action type to allow you to create a workflow action for work entirely outside Latitude and so not associated with any particular Latitude screen
    Have task workflow steps automatically update task status when all their component actions are complete ie. when all action statuses = "Success". See WorkFlow screen -> Step -> 'On Success, set Status to'
    Have task workflow actions automatically update task status when they are completed ie. when their status = "Success". See WorkFlow screen -> Action -> 'On Success, set Status to' field.
    Workflow actions are now locked while a workflow is running
    Latitude Viewer
    New Latitude Viewer that presents data most relevant to each users role in the business. Data views display information that can be quickly filtered and then drilled into to see the source data from Latitude screens. See Ribbon -> Latitude Viewer
    My Notifications
    Personalized list of all workflow, reminder, staff and equipment notifications for each employee
    Right click or double click a notification to act on it
    Open Projects
    Project managers list of all their projects that they can quickly drill down into to manage each project
    Displays all active projects and project tasks being managed by a project manager
    Filter the view to see projects belonging to other project managers
    Security settings to limit who can see the view
    My Time
    Overview of work done by a user during the day
    By default, it displays their timesheets for today
    Enter date to see timesheets for a different day
    Right click or double click a time entry to open the timesheet screen
    Outstanding Invoices

Review the largest outstanding invoices you have, so you can take action to collect what is due to your business

Lists all outstanding invoices, with the greatest amounts due at the top of the list

    Right click or double click an invoice to see full details
    Views can be configured to display or hide columns for all users or separately for each user
    Configure a Latitude View the same way for all users
    See Ribbon -> Lookup Tables -> Latitude View
    Pick and configure the view
    Click the "Apply to all users" button to save and apply the changes to all users
    Configure a Latitude View for a single user
    See Ribbon -> Latitude Viewer
    Pick and configure the view using the "Format" button
    Click the "Close" button to save the changes
    Configuration Options
    Show or hide Latitude views (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Show on Viewer)
    Hide records older than a set date (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View)
    Projects view
    Hiding projects older than a date will hide old projects even if they are not yet closed
    Outstanding Invoices view
    Hiding invoices older than a date will hide old invoices even if they are not yet fully paid. Note, Latitude treats invoices without receipts as outstanding
    The default date to hide old records in views is "Jan 1, 2010"
    Set the order the Latitude Views appear in the Latitude Viewer (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> View Sort)
    Change column widths of Latitude Views (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Twip column)
    Hide columns in Latitude Views using Object Security (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Security Code column)
    Hide columns in Latitude Views overriding their Object Security settings (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Current column)
    Set the order the columns of data appear in each Latitude View (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Sort column)
    Filter and sort views at the column level by clicking on column headers. To filter, select Text Filters and enter what you want to filter on. To sort, simply click the sort direction A to Z or Z to A. These options are NOT saved and are forgotten when you move to another view. If you want to save filters and sorts even after you log out, use the filter and sort controls located on the upper section of the Latitude Viewer screen. Some views have extra filters in the area immediately under their tabs.
    Management Overhead Time
    Track and charge for management time on projects without managers having to record every 30 second interaction they have with staff on each project they are responsible for during a day.
    As subordinate staff enter their timesheets, Latitude automatically creates notional timesheets for managers calculated as a percentage of subordinate hours entered on each project.
    At the end of each day managers can see their notional timesheet for each project and can adjust them (or not) as they see fit.
    Set percentages for any number of managers involved in projects. At a minimum this includes the project manager, but can also include CAD managers, project directors, operations managers etc.
    Configurable WordLink Output File Name Format
    Define your own file name format for each type of document Latitude generates. Set the file name format for quotation, job packet sheet, field ticket, timesheet, register document, invoice, statement and receipt WordLink documents. (see Administration -> Setup -> Job tab -> WordLink Output File Name Format).
    NOTE: After you set a WordLink file name format, all new files created will follow the new format but any existing files will retain the file names they were created with.
    Windows 10 compatibility
    Improved Latitude compatibility with the latest Windows 10 operating system.
    Microsoft Office 2016 compatibility
    Improved Latitude compatibility with Microsoft Office 2016. Latitude now works even better with Word 2016, Excel 2016 and other Office 2016 applications.
    Microsoft Office 2013 compatibility
    Improved Latitude compatibility with Microsoft Office 2013. Latitude now works even better with Word 2013, Excel 2013 and other Office 2013 applications.
    Export Reports to Work
    Improved link to Word so you can more efficiently open reports in Latitude and export them to Microsoft Word. You can then edit the reports in Word before presenting them to your staff, managers and clients.
    Email Quotes, Invoices & Reports Directly From Preview
    Preview quotes, invoices and reports, click a button and have Latitude create a new email with the quote, invoice or report as an attachment.
    Go to a quote, invoice or report -> preview it -> right click anywhere on the preview -> click "Send to" -> click "Mail Recipient" -> click PDF format -> click OK.
    Note, this feature only works with Windows email client such Microsoft Outlook and is not available with the Latitude runtime client.
    New Reports
    Work Log Timesheets (Report #608) - see Reports -> Timesheets
    This report shows work log details for a selected date range, job(s) and totalled on different work types on each job. This report can be summarized.
    Timesheets Invoiced Actual Work Qty (for date range & job) (by Job, Ts Date & Invoice) (Report #610) - see Reports -> Timesheets

Actual time worked (Work Qty) on timesheets allocated to invoices in a selected date range, sorted by job number, timesheet date & invoice.

    Improved Reports
            Project Profitability Detail (Report #448) - see Reports -> Job / Project
    This report now displays the "charged time/disbursement value (ie. allocated time/disbursement linked to invoice line items)" correctly
            Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576) - see Reports -> Financial
    This report now displays the work log details of the field timesheets using work types belonging to the work type group = "field work"
            Work Types (for Date range, Job & Work Type) (by Work Type, Job & Date) (Report #148) - see Reports -> Timesheets
    This report shows the timesheets for a selected date range and job(s) broken into and totalled on different work types and totalled for each job. This report can be summarised.
    New show "Cost And Charge" option to show the cost & charge amount columns
    New show "Charge Only" option to show the charge rate & charge amount columns. Charge rate column displays the prorated value, ie. (total qty / total extension)
            Timesheets Invoiced (for date range & job) (by Job, Ts Date & Invoice) (Report #153) - Reports -> Timesheets
    Timesheets allocated to invoices in a selected date range, sorted by Job No, timesheet date & invoice
            Timesheets & Disbursements Invoiced (for Invoice)(by Job, Date, Emp) (Report#470) - Reports -> Timesheets
    List timesheets & disbursements for the selected invoice. Sorted by job, date & employee.
    Display field ticket number to the left of the "Work Description" column
    Various bug fixes
Latitude Business Edition - 9217.0801
  Email Invoices
    Raise invoices and email them directly from the invoice screen
    This feature is not available in the Latitude Remote Client (LRC).
    See invoice -> Latitude ribbon at the top of the screen -> Email button -> enter recipient, subject, body & check attachments -> view in Outlook (or another email client) -> click send
    New Higher Capacity & More Secure 64-bit Application
    Run Latitude natively with 64-bit editions of Microsoft Office 2010 SP1, 2013 and 2016
    Benefits of 64-bit Software
    Uses 64-bit Office engine & system libraries that enforce use of Hardware Data Execution Prevention (DEP) security protection which prevents malicious code from running on your system.
    The absence of hard limits on Excel workbook sizes mean you can export large (over 2GB) reports from Latitude to Excel.
    64-bit Windows & 64-bit Software
    Latitude 64-bit edition is dependent on the "bitness" of the Microsoft Office version installed and NOT on the Microsoft Windows version installed on a computer. So, if you have 64-bit Windows installed, you can, but don't need to use 64-bit versions of software on it, eg. 32-bit editions of Office and Latitude will run on 64-bit Windows. In fact, Microsoft defaults to installing 32-bit Office on 64-bit Windows computers (see https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Choose-between-the-64-bit-or-32-bit-version-of-Office-2dee7807-8f95-4d0c-b5fe-6c6f49b8d261).
    Note, in the instructions below, we use "32-bit Office computer" or "64-bit Office computer" to refer to Office "bitness" rather than Windows "bitness" when referring to a computer that suits 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Latitude.
    Warning on Moving from 32-bit to 64-bit Office
    If you currently use any 3rd party Office applications or plugins with your 32-bit Office, you must ask their various software vendors about your 64-bit options, as moving from 32-bit to 64-bit "breaks" most plugins that use 32-bit Windows system libraries.
    Latitude Installation on Networks with 32-bit and/or 64-bit Office
    All 32-bit Office
    Nothing to think about as this has been the default Latitude installation environment since the 1990's.
    All 64-bit Office
    This is also handled by Latitude, as the fact that 64-bit Office is installed on a computer tells the Latitude installer to install 64-bit Latitude.
    Mixed Environment with 32-bit and 64-bit Office on Different Workstations
    The fact that 64-bit Office is installed on a computer tells the Latitude installer to install 64-bit Latitude, otherwise it will install 32-bit Latitude.
    If you don't have 64-bit Office installed on a computer, the Latitude installer will install a 32-bit Office runtime by default.
    If you already have 32-bit Latitude installed on existing computers and you have new 64-bit Office computers
    Run the Latitude installer the same way as before on these 64-bit Office computers
    If you already have 64-bit Latitude installed and you want to install Latitude on 32-bit Office computers
    Run the Latitude installer the same way as before on these 32-bit Office computers
    Upgrade Latitude to a newer version (eg. 9217.0101 to 9217.0801)
    First, run the Latitude installer on a 32-bit Office computer BEFORE, running it again on a 64-bit Office computer
    The Automatic Deployment Feature (ADF) will then automatically update all other 32-bit and 64-bit Office computers on your network with you having to run the Latitude installer on again on each of them
    Move From 32-bit to 64-bit Office on a computer
    Read the "Warning on Moving from 32-bit to 64-bit Office" above before proceeding
    Uninstall Latitude and then uninstall 32-bit Office
    Install 64-bit Office and then install 64-bit Latitude
    Do the reverse if you need to move from 64-bit Office to 32-bit Office
    Enhanced Latitude Viewer
    Open Projects

Project managers list of all their projects that they can quickly drill down into to manage each project

Now lists projects that are dated on or after January 1, 2010

    To change this default date
    See Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> click "Open Projects" in the "View" dropdown -> change the "Hide projects older than" date
    Project manager list now only contains project managers that have projects assigned to them
    WIP (Work in Process)

See all of your unbilled time on a project by project basis together with quote and invoiced-to-date amounts.

Lists all projects, with the greatest amount of unbilled timesheets shown at the top of the list

    Also shows quoted & invoiced-to-date amounts that supplement WIP amounts
    Right click or double click a project to see full details
    Outstanding Invoices

Review the largest outstanding invoices you have, so you can take action to collect what is due to your business

Now lists the first 50 invoices that are due on or after January 1.

    To change this default date
    See Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> click "Outstanding Invoices" in the "View" dropdown -> change the "Hide invoices older than" date option
    To show all invoices and not just the first 50
    See Latitude Viewer -> Outstanding Invoices -> click "Show" and change it from "Top 50" to "All"
    This view is automatically hidden when the "^" security code is set.
    Improved Automatic Deployment Feature (ADF)
    Improved Latitude workstation upgrade function. This will make your future upgrades simpler
    Enhanced Task Assignment
    Assign employees to a task to limit who can work on the task and be allowed to enter timesheets and field tickets on it.
    To set the staff
    In the "Task Detail" screen, set the "Timesheet Entry" to "Employee Assigned Tasks Only" and click the "Add Employee" button in the "Staff" column.
    In the "Task Item" screen -> "Staff" tab, select employees in the "Employee" column
    Configurable Scheduler Rows
    Adjust the scheduler grid row heights and project/crew list row heights to display between 1 and 6 lines of detail
    Double-click cells to enter, view and edit scheduled item notes and duration
    Additional Field Ticket WordLink Tags
    New WordLink tags to show rate summary of all field ticket items used on each work type
    Additional Statement WordLink Tags
New WordLink tags to show current, 30 day old, 60 day old, 90 day old and over 90 day old invoice balances
    Better Rate Schedule Management
    Bigger screen for easier viewing of rate schedules
    Filterable and sortable rate schedules
    Accounting Link to MYOB
            Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB 2017
            Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB 2017
            Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Premier 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Premier 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Premier 2017
            Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Premier 2017
            Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Premier 2017
    Accounting Link to Reckon
            Export Clients and Invoices to Reckon Accounts 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to Reckon Accounts 2017
              Export Receipts (Accrual) to Reckon Accounts 2017
              Import Customers from Reckon Accounts 2017
    Accounting Link to Sage
             Export Clients and Invoices to Sage 50 2018
             Import Customers from Sage 50 2018
    Enhanced QuickBooks Payroll Link
    Avoid the possibility of exporting the same timesheets twice.
    Exclude previously exported timesheets when you re-export timesheets in the same given date range.
    DO NOT re-export timesheets that were exported before this version of Latitude as those timesheets do not have the QuickBooks transaction ID in them
    Enhanced Reckon Payroll Link
    Avoid the possibility of exporting the same timesheets twice.
    Exclude previously exported timesheets when you re-export timesheets in the same given date range.
    DO NOT re-export timesheets that were exported before this version of Latitude as those timesheets do not have the Reckon transaction ID in them
    Improved Reports
    Register List selected on any main field sorting on any main field (Report #204) - see Reports -> Register
    Filter more that 1 register type at a time
    Timesheets & Disbursements Invoiced (for Invoice)(by Job, Date, Emp) (Report #470) - see Reports -> Timesheets
    New "Invoice Status" selection for All, Draft or Submitted
    Job Timesheet & Invoice Difference by Job No (for date range & job status) (Report #216) - see Reports -> Job / Project
    Fixed invoices not adding up correctly
    Various bug fixes
Latitude Business Edition - 9217.0101
  Latitude Viewer
    New Latitude Viewer that presents data most relevant to each users role in the business. Data views display information that can be quickly filtered and then drilled into to see the source data from Latitude screens. See Ribbon -> Latitude Viewer
    Open Projects

Project managers list of all their projects that they can quickly drill down into to manage each project

Displays all active projects and project tasks being managed by a project manager

    Filter the view to see projects belonging to other project managers
    Security settings to limit who can see the view
    My Time
    Overview of work done by a user during the day
    By default, it displays their timesheets for today
    Enter date to see timesheets for a different day
    Right click or double click a time entry to open the timesheet screen
    Outstanding Invoices
    Review the largest outstanding invoices you have, so you can take action to collect what is due to your business
Lists all outstanding invoices, with the greatest amounts due at the top of the list
    Right click or double click an invoice to see full details
    Views can be configured to display or hide columns for all users or separately for each user
    Configure a Latitude View the same way for all users
    See Ribbon -> Lookup Tables -> Latitude View
    Pick and configure the view
    Click the "Apply to all users" button to save and apply the changes to all users
    Configure a Latitude View for a single user
    See Ribbon -> Latitude Viewer
    Pick and configure the view using the "Format" button
    Click the "Close" button to save the changes
    Configuration Options
    Show or hide Latitude views (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Show on Viewer)
    Hide records older than a set date (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View)
    Projects view
    Hiding projects older than a date will hide old projects even if they are not yet closed
    Outstanding Invoices view
    Hiding invoices older than a date will hide old invoices even if they are not yet fully paid. Note, Latitude treats invoices without receipts as outstanding
    The default date to hide old records in views is "Jan 1, 2010"
    Set the order the Latitude Views appear in the Latitude Viewer (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> View Sort)
    Change column widths of Latitude Views (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Twip column)
    Hide columns in Latitude Views using Object Security (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Security Code column)
    Hide columns in Latitude Views overriding their Object Security settings (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Current column)
    Set the order the columns of data appear in each Latitude View (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Sort column)
    Filter and sort views at the column level by clicking on column headers. To filter, select Text Filters and enter what you want to filter on. To sort, simply click the sort direction A to Z or Z to A. These options are NOT saved and are forgotten when you move to another view. If you want to save filters and sorts even after you log out, use the filter and sort controls located on the upper section of the Latitude Viewer screen. Some views have extra filters in the area immediately under their tabs.
    Configurable WordLink Output File Name Format
    Define your own file name format for each type of document Latitude generates. Set the file name format for quotation, job packet sheet, field ticket, timesheet, register document, invoice, statement and receipt WordLink documents. (see Administration -> Setup -> Job tab -> WordLink Output File Name Format).
    NOTE: After you set a WordLink file name format, all new files created will follow the new format but any existing files will retain the file names they were created with.
    Windows 10 compatibility
    Improved Latitude compatibility with the latest Windows 10 operating system.
    Microsoft Office 2016 compatibility
    Improved Latitude compatibility with Microsoft Office 2016. Latitude now works even better with Word 2016, Excel 2016 and other Office 2016 applications.
    Microsoft Office 2013 compatibility
    Improved Latitude compatibility with Microsoft Office 2013. Latitude now works even better with Word 2013, Excel 2013 and other Office 2013 applications.
    Export Reports to Word
    Improved link to Word so you can more efficiently open reports in Latitude and export them to Microsoft Word. You can then edit the reports in Word before presenting them to your staff, managers and clients.
    Email Quotes, Invoices & Reports Directly From Preview
    Preview quotes, invoices and reports, click a button and have Latitude create a new email with the quote, invoice or report as an attachment.
    Go to a quote, invoice or report -> preview it -> right click anywhere on the preview -> click "Send to" -> click "Mail Recipient" -> click PDF format -> click OK.
    Note, this feature only works with Windows email client such Microsoft Outlook and is not available with the Latitude runtime client.
    New Reports
    Work Log Timesheets (Report #608) - see Reports -> Timesheets
    This report shows work log details for a selected date range, job(s) and totalled on different work types on each job. This report can be summarized.
    Timesheets Invoiced Actual Work Qty (for date range & job) (by Job, Ts Date & Invoice) (Report #610) - see Reports -> Timesheets

Actual time worked (Work Qty) on timesheets allocated to invoices in a selected date range, sorted by job number, timesheet date & invoice.

    Improved Reports
            Project Profitability Detail (Report #448) - see Reports -> Job / Project
    This report now displays the "charged time/disbursement value (ie. allocated time/disbursement linked to invoice line items)" correctly
            Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576) - see Reports -> Financial
    This report now displays the work log details of the field timesheets using work types belonging to the work type group = "field work"
            Work Types (for Date range, Job & Work Type) (by Work Type, Job & Date) (Report #148) - see Reports -> Timesheets
    This report shows the timesheets for a selected date range and job(s) broken into and totalled on different work types and totalled for each job. This report can be summarised.
    New show "Cost And Charge" option to show the cost & charge amount columns
    New show "Charge Only" option to show the charge rate & charge amount columns. Charge rate column displays the prorated value, ie. (total qty / total extension)
            Timesheets Invoiced (for date range & job) (by Job, Ts Date & Invoice) (Report #153) - Reports -> Timesheets
    Timesheets allocated to invoices in a selected date range, sorted by Job No, timesheet date & invoice
            Timesheets & Disbursements Invoiced (for Invoice)(by Job, Date, Emp) (Report#470) - Reports -> Timesheets
    List timesheets & disbursements for the selected invoice. Sorted by job, date & employee.
    Display field ticket number to the left of the "Work Description" column
    Various bug fixes
Latitude Professional Edition - 9217.0801
  All New Robust SQL Server Database
Improved Latitude database performance, reliability, data integrity and security using a SQL Server or free SQL Express based backend database.
    Reliability & Data Integrity
    Latitude now uses an intelligent server based data manager, so when a crash or network fault occurs, the underlying tables are not directly affected. To achieve this the data manager uses transactions and doesn't commit incomplete data changes to the database before they are complete, and so avoids database corruption.
    The new Latitude database is highly optimized to perform filtering and data manipulation on the server and only transfers a minimum of data across the network to client workstations. This vastly reduces network related bottlenecks and improves performance of up to five fold, depending on the complexity of queries and data views.
    By using a database server rather than direct file system access to store data, ordinary users will have a harder time trying to break into or copy the database.
    Directly Email Invoices
Raise invoices and email them directly from the invoice screen
    See invoice -> Latitude ribbon at the top of the screen -> Email button -> enter recipient, subject, body & check attachments -> view in Outlook (or another email client) -> click send
    New Higher Capacity & More Secure 64-bit Application
    Run Latitude natively with 64-bit editions of Microsoft Office 2010 SP1, 2013 and 2016
    Benefits of 64-bit Software
    Uses 64-bit Office engine & system libraries that enforce use of Hardware Data Execution Prevention (DEP) security protection which prevents malicious code from running on your system.
    The absence of hard limits on Excel workbook sizes mean you can export large (over 2GB) reports from Latitude to Excel.
    64-bit Windows & 64-bit Software
    Latitude 64-bit edition is dependent on the "bitness" of the Microsoft Office version installed and NOT on the Microsoft Windows version installed on a computer. So, if you have 64-bit Windows installed, you can, but don't need to use 64-bit versions of software on it, eg. 32-bit editions of Office and Latitude will run on 64-bit Windows. In fact, Microsoft defaults to installing 32-bit Office on 64-bit Windows computers (see https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Choose-between-the-64-bit-or-32-bit-version-of-Office-2dee7807-8f95-4d0c-b5fe-6c6f49b8d261).
    Note, in the instructions below, we use "32-bit Office computer" or "64-bit Office computer" to refer to Office "bitness" rather than Windows "bitness" when referring to a computer that suits 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Latitude.
    Warning on Moving from 32-bit to 64-bit Office
    If you currently use any 3rd party Office applications or plugins with your 32-bit Office, you must ask their various software vendors about your 64-bit options, as moving from 32-bit to 64-bit "breaks" most plugins that use 32-bit Windows system libraries.
    Latitude Installation on Networks with 32-bit and/or 64-bit Office
    All 32-bit Office
    Nothing to think about as this has been the default Latitude installation environment since the 1990's
    All 64-bit Office
    This is also handled by Latitude, as the fact that 64-bit Office is installed on a computer tells the Latitude installer to install 64-bit Latitude
    Mixed Environment with 32-bit and 64-bit Office on Different Workstations
    The fact that 64-bit Office is installed on a computer tells the Latitude installer to install 64-bit Latitude, otherwise it will install 32-bit Latitude.
    If you don't have 64-bit Office installed on a computer, the Latitude installer will install a 32-bit Office runtime by default.
    If you already have 32-bit Latitude installed on existing computers and you have new 64-bit Office computers
    Run the Latitude installer the same way as before on these 64-bit Office computers
    If you already have 64-bit Latitude installed and you want to install Latitude on 32-bit Office computers
    Run the Latitude installer the same way as before on these 32-bit Office computers
    Upgrade Latitude to a newer version (eg. 9217.0101 to 9217.0801)
    First, run the Latitude installer on a 32-bit Office computer BEFORE, running it again on a 64-bit Office computer
    The Automatic Deployment Feature (ADF) will then automatically update all other 32-bit and 64-bit Office computers on your network with you having to run the Latitude installer on again on each of them
    Move From 32-bit to 64-bit Office on a computer
    Read the "Warning on Moving from 32-bit to 64-bit Office" above before proceeding
    Uninstall Latitude and then uninstall 32-bit Office
    Install 64-bit Office and then install 64-bit Latitude
    Do the reverse if you need to move from 64-bit Office to 32-bit Office
    Enhanced Latitude Viewer
    WIP (Work in Process)

See all of your unbilled time on a project by project basis together with quote and invoiced-to-date amounts.

Lists all projects, with the greatest amount of unbilled timesheets shown at the top of the list

    Also shows quoted & invoiced-to-date amounts that supplement WIP amounts
    Right click or double click a project to see full details
    Outstanding Invoices

Review the largest outstanding invoices you have, so you can take action to collect what is due to your business

Now lists the first 50 invoices that are due on or after January 1.

    To change this default date
    See Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> click "Outstanding Invoices" in the "View" dropdown -> change the "Hide invoices older than" date option
    To show all invoices and not just the first 50
    See Latitude Viewer -> Outstanding Invoices -> click "Show" and change it from "Top 50" to "All"
    This view is automatically hidden when the "^" security code is set.
    Improved Automatic Deployment Feature (ADF)
Improved Latitude workstation upgrade function. This will make your future upgrades simpler
    Enhanced Task Assignment
    Assign employees to a task to limit who can work on the task and be allowed to enter timesheets and field tickets on it.
    To set the staff
    In the "Task Detail" screen, set the "Timesheet Entry" to "Employee Assigned Tasks Only" and click the "Add Employee" button in the "Staff" column.
    In the "Task Item" screen -> "Staff" tab, select employees in the "Employee" column
    Additional Statement WordLink Tags
    New WordLink tags to show current, 30 day old, 60 day old, 90 day old and over 90 day old invoice balances
    Better Rate Schedule Management
    Bigger screen for easier viewing of rate schedules
    Filterable and sortable rate schedules
    Accounting Link to MYOB
            Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB 2017
            Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB 2017
            Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Accounting Plus 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices to MYOB Premier 2017
            Export Clients and Invoices (Professional Sales) to MYOB Premier 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to MYOB Premier 2017
            Export Receipts (Accrual) to MYOB Premier 2017
            Import Cards and Contacts from MYOB Premier 2017
    Accounting Link to Reckon
            Export Clients and Invoices to Reckon Accounts 2017
            Export Payroll Timesheets to Reckon Accounts 2017
              Export Receipts (Accrual) to Reckon Accounts 2017
             Import Customers from Reckon Accounts 2017
    Accounting Link to Sage
             Export Clients and Invoices to Sage 50 2018
             Import Customers from Sage 50 2018
    Enhanced QuickBooks Payroll Link
    Avoid the possibility of exporting the same timesheets twice.
    Exclude previously exported timesheets when you re-export timesheets in the same given date range.
    DO NOT re-export timesheets that were exported before this version of Latitude as those timesheets do not have the QuickBooks transaction ID in them
    Enhanced Reckon Payroll Link
    Avoid the possibility of exporting the same timesheets twice.
    Exclude previously exported timesheets when you re-export timesheets in the same given date range.
    DO NOT re-export timesheets that were exported before this version of Latitude as those timesheets do not have the Reckon transaction ID in them
    Improved Reports
    Register List selected on any main field sorting on any main field (Report #204) - see Reports -> Register
    Filter more that 1 register type at a time
    Job Timesheet & Invoice Difference by Job No (for date range & job status) (Report #216) - see Reports -> Job / Project
    Fixed invoices not added up correctly
    Various bug fixes
Latitude Professional Edition - 9217.0101
  Latitude Viewer
New Latitude Viewer that presents data most relevant to each users role in the business. Data views display information that can be quickly filtered and then drilled into to see the source data from Latitude screens. See Ribbon -> Latitude Viewer
    My Time
    Overview of work done by a user during the day
    By default, it displays their timesheets for today
    Enter date to see timesheets for a different day
    Right click or double click a time entry to open the timesheet screen
    Outstanding Invoices

Review the largest outstanding invoices you have, so you can take action to collect what is due to your business

Lists all outstanding invoices, with the greatest amounts due at the top of the list

    Right click or double click an invoice to see full details
    Views can be configured to display or hide columns for all users or separately for each user
    Configure a Latitude View the same way for all users
    See Ribbon -> Lookup Tables -> Latitude View
    Pick and configure the view
    Click the "Apply to all users" button to save and apply the changes to all users
    Configure a Latitude View for a single user
    See Ribbon -> Latitude Viewer
    Pick and configure the view using the "Format" button
    Click the "Close" button to save the changes
    Configuration Options
    Show or hide Latitude views (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Show on Viewer)
    Hide records older than a set date (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View)
    Outstanding Invoices view
    Hiding invoices older than a date will hide old invoices even if they are not yet fully paid. Note, Latitude treats invoices without receipts as outstanding
    The default date to hide old records in views is "Jan 1, 2010"
    Set the order the Latitude Views appear in the Latitude Viewer (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> View Sort)
    Change column widths of Latitude Views (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Twip column)
    Hide columns in Latitude Views using Object Security (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Security Code column)
    Hide columns in Latitude Views overriding their Object Security settings (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Current column)
    Set the order the columns of data appear in each Latitude View (see Lookup Tables -> Latitude View -> Sort column)
    Filter and sort views at the column level by clicking on column headers. To filter, select Text Filters and enter what you want to filter on. To sort, simply click the sort direction A to Z or Z to A. These options are NOT saved and are forgotten when you move to another view. If you want to save filters and sorts even after you log out, use the filter and sort controls located on the upper section of the Latitude Viewer screen. Some views have extra filters in the area immediately under their tabs.
    Configurable WordLink Output File Name Format
    Define your own file name format for each type of document Latitude generates. Set the file name format for quotation, job packet sheet, field ticket, timesheet, register document, invoice, statement and receipt WordLink documents. (see Administration -> Setup -> Job tab -> WordLink Output File Name Format).
    NOTE: After you set a WordLink file name format, all new files created will follow the new format but any existing files will retain the file names they were created with.
    Windows 10 compatibility
    Improved Latitude compatibility with the latest Windows 10 operating system.
    Microsoft Office 2016 compatibility
    Improved Latitude compatibility with Microsoft Office 2016. Latitude now works even better with Word 2016, Excel 2016 and other Office 2016 applications.
    Microsoft Office 2013 compatibility
    Improved Latitude compatibility with Microsoft Office 2013. Latitude now works even better with Word 2013, Excel 2013 and other Office 2013 applications.
    Exports Reports to Word
    Improved link to Word so you can more efficiently open reports in Latitude and export them to Microsoft Word. You can then edit the reports in Word before presenting them to your staff, managers and clients.
    Email Quotes, Invoices & Reports Directly From Preview
    Preview quotes, invoices and reports, click a button and have Latitude create a new email with the quote, invoice or report as an attachment.
    Go to a quote, invoice or report -> preview it -> right click anywhere on the preview -> click "Send to" -> click "Mail Recipient" -> click PDF format -> click OK.
    Note, this feature only works with Windows email client such Microsoft Outlook and is not available with the Latitude runtime client.
    New Reports
    Work Log Timesheets (Report #608) - see Reports -> Timesheets
    This report shows work log details for a selected date range, job(s) and totalled on different work types on each job. This report can be summarized.
    Timesheets Invoiced Actual Work Qty (for date range & job) (by Job, Ts Date & Invoice) (Report #610) - see Reports -> Timesheets

Actual time worked (Work Qty) on timesheets allocated to invoices in a selected date range, sorted by job number, timesheet date & invoice.

    Improved Reports
            Project Profitability Detail (Report #448) - see Reports -> Job / Project
    This report now displays the "charged time/disbursement value (ie. allocated time/disbursement linked to invoice line items)" correctly
            Invoice Time and Disbursement Detail (Report #576) - see Reports -> Financial
    This report now displays the work log details of the field timesheets using work types belonging to the work type group = "field work"
            Work Types (for Date range, Job & Work Type) (by Work Type, Job & Date) (Report #148) - see Reports -> Timesheets
    This report shows the timesheets for a selected date range and job(s) broken into and totalled on different work types and totalled for each job. This report can be summarised.
    New show "Cost And Charge" option to show the cost & charge amount columns
    New show "Charge Only" option to show the charge rate & charge amount columns. Charge rate column displays the prorated value, ie. (total qty / total extension)
            Timesheets Invoiced (for date range & job) (by Job, Ts Date & Invoice) (Report #153) - Reports -> Timesheets
    Timesheets allocated to invoices in a selected date range, sorted by Job No, timesheet date & invoice
            Timesheets & Disbursements Invoiced (for Invoice)(by Job, Date, Emp) (Report#470) - Reports -> Timesheets
    List timesheets & disbursements for the selected invoice. Sorted by job, date & employee.
    Display field ticket number to the left of the "Work Description" column
    Various bug fixes